Free Workshop: Azure AI for Your Business
AI, data and cloud are building up and upon each other the next wave of transformative innovations across industries.
Free Workshop: Easily migrate to Microsoft 365
Join this workshop to learn the difference between Microsoft 365 and Office 365, and find out what does each offer specifically, discover different plans and see which one would work best for your company.
Workshop gratuit: Migrarea eficientă a organizațiilor în Cloud. Prezentare de studii de caz Avaelgo
Invitație la workshop: aflați mai multe detalii despre modul în care companii din diverse domenii și de diferite dimensiuni au migrat cu succes în Cloud și cum beneficiază acestea în urma migrării.
New Free Workshop in Cluj-Napoca: Microsoft Tools & Services for GDPR Compliance
Do you know how to map GDPR requirements with the right tool? Join us on November 14th and let’s have a look at some of the key tools and services to consider!