Cloud Strategy for Your Organization: Migrating Workloads to PaaS webinar
Understand the technical & financial aspects of migrating an existing solution to Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Understand the technical & financial aspects of migrating an existing solution to Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Understand what should be the strategic approach for a Cloud Migration or Initiation project, at a solution level and at an enterprise level.
Avaelgo has won the 2018 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Award for Romania. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners.
Conferința de Cloud, singura conferință IT dedicată tehnologiei Microsoft cloud din România a avut loc pe 19 aprilie 2018 la București. Participanții au avut avea ocazia să vadă cum se poate aborda cu succes Cloud-ul, respectiv să își completeze cunoștințele tehnice de Microsoft Azure și Microsoft Office 365.
The five WHYs for Cloud – There are many reasons a Public Cloud provider is very different from a hosting organization, or from your own datacenter for that matter. I will enumerate just a few of those reasons.