New Free Workshop in Cluj-Napoca: Microsoft Tools & Services for GDPR Compliance
Do you know how to map GDPR requirements with the right tool? Join us on November 14th and let’s have a look at some of the key tools and services to consider!
Do you know how to map GDPR requirements with the right tool? Join us on November 14th and let’s have a look at some of the key tools and services to consider!
Do you know how to map GDPR requirements with the right tool? Join us on October 30th and let’s have a look at some of the key tools and services to consider!
Does your organization run on Microsoft 365? Join Avaelgo and Audiocodes for an exclusive free workshop and learn how you can fully leverage the unified communications and collaboration power of this enterprise software suite.
Conferința de Cloud, singura conferință IT dedicată tehnologiei Microsoft cloud din România a avut loc pe 19 aprilie 2018 la București. Participanții au avut avea ocazia să vadă cum se poate aborda cu succes Cloud-ul, respectiv să își completeze cunoștințele tehnice de Microsoft Azure și Microsoft Office 365.
The third part of a series of articles, written by Ioan Popovici, GDPR consultant, about managing privacy and GDPR compliance for several IT related conference, events here at Avaelgo. In this blog post he is using a real-life example of what you shouldn’t do.