Cloud Strategy for Your Organization: Migrating Workloads to PaaS webinar
Understand the technical & financial aspects of migrating an existing solution to Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Understand the technical & financial aspects of migrating an existing solution to Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Understand what should be the strategic approach for a Cloud Migration or Initiation project, at a solution level and at an enterprise level.
Avaelgo has won the 2018 Microsoft Country Partner of the Year Award for Romania. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners.
Conferința de Cloud, singura conferință IT dedicată tehnologiei Microsoft cloud din România a avut loc pe 19 aprilie 2018 la București. Participanții au avut avea ocazia să vadă cum se poate aborda cu succes Cloud-ul, respectiv să își completeze cunoștințele tehnice de Microsoft Azure și Microsoft Office 365.
Mihai Tataran, General Manager of Avaelgo, has been nominated and accepted as Microsoft Regional Director, allowing him to join an extraordinary worldwide team of great IT experts and businessmen.