Web Development with Microsoft Azure
Hands-on practice with thorough explanations, presentations, demos, small standalone exercises during the training.
A 2-3 days seminar for developers, project managers and team leaders
This training is for
Project managers
Team leaders
Day 1
1. Microsoft and Cloud OS vision. Why Azure?
2. Introduction into Azure (presenting all services). Deployment in Azure
3. Introduction into the basic services: WebSites, Compute (Web Roles, Worker Roles), Azure Storage, SQL Database
4. Choosing the data persistence strategy in Cloud. Details on: Azure Storage, SQL Database; SQL Server in Virtual Machines; Data Migration from ON Premises, data synchronization (hybrid scenarios On Premises – Cloud); delivery network content
Day 2
5. Related services: Service Bus, Access Control Service, Caching, Azure Active Directory
6. Backend for mobile applications Windows Phone, iOS and Android: Azure Mobile Services
7. Application operation and maintenance in Azure: operation, automation, elastic solutions through Autos Scaling, instrumentation
PowerShell, Azure runbooks, SQL Database elastic scale, Site recovery, Tasks
8. How do we think for Cloud: resilient implementation and error management
PowerShell, Azure runbooks, SQL Database elastic scale, Site recovery, Tasks
9. Architectural patterns in Cloud
This course is dedicated especially to developers, project managers and team leaders, ideally having some experience with Microsoft .NET development. Microsoft Azure knowledge is not a must.
The trainees need a personal laptop with Visual Studio 2013, Azure SDK and access to an Azure subscription.