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Case study

Azure Lift-and-Shift


IT Outsourcing / Software Development




Performance enhanced by 40X

The project

The client was confronted with two sensitive issues: first, their website crashed when a very low number of simultaneous users accessed their solution, and second, they had no time to redesign the architecture accordingly. So a lift-and-shift approach presented as a good migration strategy for them.

The customer was hosting an important site for entertainment events on their on-premises infrastructure which serves a huge amount of users, migrating to Azure was an obvious choice due to two issues, the site always crashed when a low number of simultaneous users accessed their solution and the infrastructure wasn’t designed for scaling workloads.

After refactoring the existing infrastructure to benefit from Azure’s scalability and efficiency, the resources were “migrated” to a Windows Server Virtual machine scale set, using Nginx as a load balancer and leveraging Azure PaaS as well, an Azure SQL Database Instance DTU/Business Critical price tier was used with geo-replication in West Europe as a primary location for better performance and high availability solution.

The objectives


Find a solution so that the client doesn’t need to redesign their architecture


Address the site’s existing performance issues by implementing an auto-scale solution using Azure as the underlying platform

Making the move to cloud


Avaelgo has helped the customer migrate their highly popular website to Azure.


We helped configure the system to auto-scale as needed, in order to be able to handle the estimated/expected peak loads of thousands of users.

The results


Enhanced performance

On the old hosting platform, the site would simply crash when faced even with a very low number of simultaneous users/sessions.

After the move to Azure and the front-end auto-scale changes, the site can now easily handle 40 times the initial number of users before it starts to run into performance issues.

Scalablility & efficiency

The lift and shift method of migrating the solution into the Cloud was a quick and easy way to achieve some of the best cloud computing benefits: scalability, efficiency & improved security

Migrating other workloads

The success of the project led to the customer deciding to migrate other workloads in Azure as well, in an attempt to gain a better workload consolidation, increased cost savings and better security by making use of Azure Platform-as-a-Service offerings.

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