Avoid expensive downtime and control operational costs
Get a free analysis of your current BC&DR status and a free assessment of your needs
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Fill out the form to find out how much it will cost you a Backup and Disaster Recovery plan
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<!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->Maintain your employee productivity and your business’s ability to generate revenue
Key Benefits of Basic Backup or Disaster Recovery
What you need is a BCDR strategy
Start with a Backup
Protect critical business assets from major outages
whether a malicious or human error, hardware failure, or a natural disaster
Initial Analysis
We’ll start with a conversation with you to make an initial analysis of your BC&DR current status and needs.
After the call, we will follow-up with a strategy to achieve your business needs on backup and disaster recovery.
During this phase, we will also provide cost and effort estimate.
Basic Backup or Disaster Recovery Setup
Post-Delivery Services
Once the basic backup or the DR setup is over and you have a successful and functional BC&DR process within your company, we can offer 24/7/365 support, problem resolution, root-cause analysis, as well as corrective actions. You can choose from subscription-based or on request support.
Following the initial setup, should you require additional advice or enhanced strategy to continue building a solid foundation BC&DR process, we offer on-request consulting.
Microsoft Azure, VS & VSTS Subscriptions

As backup is really important for every organization to have, the results of the state of BCDR 2016 survey revealed an alarming disconnection between C-level executives and IT professionals when it came to how prepared their organization was to truly handle a disaster or a data loss.
Ask any IT professional and they will all answer that IT disasters do happen. It’s more like when, instead of if, whether it’s hardware failure, cyber-attacks or a weather event.
One fact is for certain: disasters are regularly impacting businesses.
Avoid expensive downtime and control operational costs
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