Web Development with ASP.NET MVC 5, HTML5 and JavaScript
Hands-on practice with thorough explanations, presentations, demos, small standalone exercises during the training.
A 2-3 days seminar for experienced and senior developers
This training is for
Experienced and senior programmers, ideally with some experience with Microsoft .NET
web development with other technologies.
Day 1
1. ASP.NET in general. Session, custom session providers, Postback, Viewstate, page lifecycle, etc.
2. Hosting web apps in IIS: app domain, application pools, load balancing
3. Performance and scalability optimizations: caching and asynchronous pages
4. Model View Controller
URL Routing explained. Custom routes
Views with the Razor engine
Views, Strongly typed views, Partial Views, User Controls
5. MVC with Entity Framework and data accessg
6. Data annotations, validation, client side validation
Day 2
7. Complex binding, Model Binders
Deep hierarchy: Product.ChildProduct
Complex type: Person.Address
Custom model binders: IProduct : Product
8. Action Filters
Business logic validation
9. Membership and authorization with ASP.NET MVC 5
10. jQuery, Ajax calls from client code, backend with MVC Actions
11. Dependency Injection in MVC
The course will be held at the customer’s location, where we must have:
- Video projector and screen or white wall to project on
Each trainee should have a laptop / computer with the following installed:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Web Express, or Professional or higher
- ASP.NET MVC 5 tools for Visual Studio
- MS SQL Server Express (2008 R2 or higher)