15 November, Brasov
Azure for IoT
Early bird price: 990 RON + TVA
Offer available until 20th October 2017
Full price: 1.290 RON + TVA
A highly interactive one-day seminar where you will learn how to develop complete solutions for secure bidirectional communication with million IoT devices around the world and how to take split-second decisions based on the vast quantity of data these devices are sending.
Who is it for
This training is designed for software developers working on IoT solutions.
Essential Topics Covered
This training will cover the specific services and tools available in Microsoft’s public cloud which, if correctly leveraged, help companies get a quick turnaround on fully managed reliable services, with bi-directional communications between millions of Internet of Things devices.
We will start with a quick overview of the specific Azure services you’re interested in for the IoT world, on how security is taken care of and what the roadmap for these services is.
Next, we will cover data ingestion problem of IoT and the real-time data analysis requirement of any modern IoT solution.
Up next, we’ll delve into the world of data storage on the globally scalable CosmodDB platform and eventually we will conclude with the remote device monitoring and controlling requirement of modern IoT solutions using Azure IoT Hub.
Azure Overview
Taking The Right Decisions In Real Time: Real-Time Data Ingestion with Event Hubs
Taking The Right Decisions in Real Time: Processing Data with Stream Analytics
Storing and Viewing Data in the IoT Industry: Azure CosmosDB and PowerBI
Remotely Monitoring and Controlling IoT Devices with Azure IoT Hub
Date & Location
Select a location you or your team would like to attend to register for the training
Why should you care about IoT?
What the industrial revolution did for the 19th and 20th century is probably going to happen with IoT.
Just think about it: according to a study done by Cisco Visual Networking Index, the global IP traffic will triple over the next four years. The new internet users will grow only by a billion, whilst the number of new devices and connection will increase by 10 billion, and this is all thanks to IoT. Taking that into account along with the commonly accepted belief that 60% of the overall computing (including PCs, mobile phone, tablets, smart devices etc.) will happen in the public cloud, it’s certainly the best time to care and learn about IoT today!
Meet the Trainer
Alexandru Mang
Azure MVP
Alexandru Mang is a regular conference and user groups speaker focusing mostly on cloud-computing topics, thus aiming to help developers better understand the implications of cloud-computing as a whole. Recently, Alex was invited as a speaker at Microsoft Ignite, the company’s largest and most important technical conference gathering nearly 25,000 attendees.
As an Azure Advisor, he regularly offers feedback on upcoming Azure features and services and gets to test them out in early development stages. Since 2011, Alex is the KeyTicket Solutions CEO, where, besides his entrepreneurial responsibilities, his daily activities cover: project management, scrum master, senior software development for web, desktop and mobile apps and software architecture.
For his experience on cloud-driven solutions, his Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), Microsoft Certified Solution Associate (MCSA) and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) stand as proof and so do the many happy customers he had the pleasure to work with for the past few years.
Azure for IoT
Learn how to integrate and transform businesses with IoT